Cloud computing is being rapidly adopted by businesses across the economy and has become an essential part of how digital services are delivered to consumers, including in the telecoms and broadcasting sectors.

The two most common options are private cloud and hybrid cloud. Across the private and public sectors, organisations of all sizes are embracing shared IT infrastructures as a more cost-effective alternative to dedicated on-premises infrastructures. This has resulted in a market value of £7.5 billion for UK cloud computing.


Understanding Hybrid Clouds and Private Clouds.

What is a Hybrid Cloud: 

Hybrid cloud computing is a blend of different computing environments that utilise a mix of resources such as computing power, storage, and services. These environments include public clouds, private clouds, and on-premises data centers or edge locations. The popularity of hybrid cloud approaches is due to the fact that very few people rely solely on a single public cloud.

With hybrid cloud solutions, you can move and handle workloads between different cloud environments, giving you the ability to create flexible setups that cater to your business requirements.

A hybrid cloud approach is one of the most common infrastructure setups today. Usually, when they shift to the cloud, they do it progressively which then ultimately paves the way for a hybrid approach that includes a blend of both data and applications.


What is a Private Cloud: 

What defines the private cloud is its ability to offer computing services solely to specific users over an internal network or the Internet instead of the public. The corporate cloud adds to the public cloud's features such as scale, and self-service while enhancing control options and manipulation through internally hosted and dedicated assets. Additionally, better shielding and confidentiality are ensured for operations and critical data through internal hosting as well as firewalls put up by companies that distance third-party providers.


Hybrid Cloud vs. Private Clouds: Pros and Cons: 

When evaluating technology requirements, businesses frequently encounter the dilemma between adopting hybrid cloud solutions versus relying on private cloud services. Both options have unique advantages and must be reviewed diligently to ascertain the optimal choice for your enterprise. The following are some crucial considerations:

Advantages of Hybrid Cloud: 

  • Optimal data management: The old question about where organisations should store workloads — in the cloud or on-premises — is obsolete. Today, the right choice for most businesses is a mixture of public and private cloud, as well as owned data centre assets. It matters less where data goes than how businesses manage it, wherever it resides.
  • Optimised performance: Choose the perfect balance of scalable public cloud and high-performance private cloud for cost-effective resources that meet every demand of your business.
  • Balanced functionality: Hybrid cloud environments allow you to continue using on-premises services while taking advantage of the flexible options for storing and accessing data and applications offered by public cloud providers, such as Google Cloud.
  • Cost savings, minimise risks, and capabilities’ extension to support transformation efforts.


Disadvantages of Hybrid Cloud:

  • Initial implementation. Creating a hybrid cloud can be costly because it requires investment in network capabilities, storage, and servers. Moreover, setting up all these components is a time-consuming process that necessitates meticulous attention to detail to prevent any potential problems later.
  • Hardware expenses. Organisations using a hybrid cloud infrastructure must invest in and manage on-premises hardware to support the computing needs of their private cloud. While the use of public cloud services can help offset hardware costs in the long run, this is contingent upon the specific needs and preferences of each organisation. Additionally, the expenses associated with maintaining and setting up the hybrid cloud infrastructure can be significant.


Logixal helps you manage your data with:

  • Even better support for a remote team with on-demand data access from anywhere.
  • Cost-effective data security.
  • Seamless automation that can easily respond to changing business demands or emergencies.
  • Increased performance for a sharper competitive edge.


Advantages of Private Cloud:

  • Scalability: Private cloud environments can effortlessly adjust their size to align with the evolving demands of a business.
  • Flexibility: Private clouds offer the freedom to tailor and personalise IT infrastructure according to the unique needs of a business.
  • Cost savings: Private clouds have the potential to save businesses money compared to on-site data centers. This is because businesses can avoid the expenses associated with buying and managing physical hardware and infrastructure.
  • Improved security: Providers of private clouds can offer enhanced security features such as firewalls, intrusion detection, and prevention systems, thereby ensuring a higher level of security compared to on-premises data centers.
  • Accessibility: Private clouds offer the convenience of remote accessibility, allowing geographically dispersed teams to effortlessly collaborate and utilise shared resources.​


Disadvantages of Private Cloud: ​

  • Initial setup costs: Establishing a personal cloud can be a costly endeavour, as it entails the acquisition of both hardware and software licenses, along with the expenses incurred during the setup and configuration process.
  • Dependence on service providers: Businesses are dependent on private cloud providers to handle the maintenance, upgrades, and security of the underlying infrastructure.
  • Possible latency: Slower application performance can occur in private clouds when resources are situated in distant data centers, resulting in potential latency problems.


Logixal helps your business with:

A bespoke, fully managed, private cloud solution, built to meet your unique hosting requirements.

We take a cloud-first approach that keeps your business top of mind as we design and build a dedicated cloud architecture with the best technology for your needs. Then we’ll deliver and manage it so you can reap the benefits.


The Logixal difference: 

  • Resilient, scalable, and UK-based data backup and hosting centers that keep your business secure.
  • Less hardware and energy costs.
  • A fully managed data center that can host a single application or an entire backend with ease.
  • A game plan to follow in case of any disaster scenario.



The ultimate choice between hybrid cloud and private cloud infrastructure hinges mainly on a business's unique requirements and objectives. Regardless of the selected infrastructure, safeguarding data is of utmost importance for any company.

In general, businesses need to assess their requirements, consider the advantages and disadvantages of each choice, and select the infrastructure that aligns with their objectives. By implementing an appropriate private cloud service or hybrid cloud system and implementing effective data protection measures, businesses can take advantage of the advantages of cloud computing while safeguarding their confidential information.

If you’re interested in learning more about how Logixal services and solutions can benefit your business, visit our website –  or contact us today to schedule a consultation at